CSEQ and CSXQ Survey Operations Closed in 2014; Consider NSSE and BCSSE

After 35 continuous years of operation (since 1979), CSEQ and CSXQ survey operation were closed after the spring 2014 administration. New orders are no longer being accepted. However, institutions and independent researchers may apply to license items from the CSEQ and CSXQ for local assessment or research purposes. Contact us at 812-856-5824 or cseq@indiana.edu for details. Thank you for your participation and support!

If you have not participated in NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) or BCSSE (Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement), now is a good time to give them a look. In 2013, NSSE was updated with new items, scales, and reporting, while continuing to offer a high degree of customization for comparison groups, topical modules, major field reporting, and more. BCSSE was updated to match in 2014. To learn more about how NSSE and BCSSE can help address your assessment issues, contact us at nsse@indiana.edu.

Thank you for your participation and support!

More details ....

At a Glance


Adapted from the College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ), the CSXQ is designed to evaluate new student expectations for college including their goals, motivations, and future plans. Longitudinal assessments are possible by comparing results from the CSXQ with data from the CSEQ completed by the same students near the end of the first year or later in the college experience.


Pre-college students and first-year students early in the first semester

Publication Dates:

1997-present. Second edition: 1999-present




Background Information, College Activities Scales (Library and Information Technology, Expectations with Faculty, Course Learning, Writing, Campus Facilities, Clubs, Organizations, Service Projects, Student Acquaintances, Scientific and Quantitative Expectations, Conversations), Reading/Writing, Satisfaction, the College Environment, Additional Questions


Any group of students at the institution or a consortium of institutions. At the discretion of institutional users. Paper and online versions available.

Time to Complete Survey:

10-15 minutes


C. Robert Pace and George D. Kuh


Indiana University Center for the Study of Postsecondary Research, Bloomington